CTF Meeting Highlights from December 14, 2021

Science Night

Our annual Science Night is scheduled for Tuesday, 2/22. We will check trends and decide next week if it will be virtual or in-person. 

Testing & February Break

For February break we will see if Fitchburg Family Pharmacy can come to test on Wednesday, 2/9. If not, we will skip testing that week.

Spring Break

Looking towards Spring Break we would like to remind the community of Wingra’s household/gathering guidance:

Wingra community members are provided the following guidance around gathering with people who are outside their immediate household:

  • Limit attendance at gatherings, events, and other activities to those that can maintain physical distance and mask-wearing indoors, or distancing or mask-wearing outdoors. 
  • If you do choose to gather in an indoor room, space, or car with people who live outside your immediate household:
    • Wear a mask. Consider double masking.
    • Work to stay at least 6 feet apart, to the greatest extent possible.
    • Ventilate as well as you can by opening windows.
    • Reduce the amount of time being in an indoor room, space, or car, even though masked and distanced.

3-Layer Masks

We are so thankful to the community that we have had a smooth transition to our 3 layer mask request. Thank you all!

Screening Testing vs Required Testing

While we did REQUIRE a PCR test to return to campus after the Winter Break, we have not changed the protocol for our weekly screening tests. We continue to test all community members who have opted in (all staff and 94 out of 99 students) weekly. Asymptomatic students and staff whose results are delayed, or who were absent for testing, will not be excluded from school. The screening tests do not keep COVID completely out of our community, but they do help us evaluate the effectiveness of our mitigation efforts. 

Reporting Positive Cases

If we have a report that a student or staff member tested positive, we will send an email to the level community that day as well as to the close contacts of the positive case. Weekly on Mondays, we will send a COVID case update to the whole community with the number of positive cases in school for the week before.